– From May 4th to the 9th, 2019 –
The 23rd IPA Research Training Program (RTP), that’s held every year in each of the IPA regions, took place at the Mental Health University Institute of APdeBA. We had the pleasure to welcome Mark Solms, chair of the IPA’s Research Committee, and Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, organizer of the Conference together with Clara Schejtman. Marianne and Mark were part of the eight invited professors for this program, and they also gave free lectures in different IPA Societies.
– From May 10 to 12 the 20th, 2019 –
Joseph Sandler Conference was held at the Argentine Psychoanalytical Association. The theme was “Psychoanalytic Understanding and Treatment of Depression: Researchers and Clinicians in Dialogue”. I had the pleasure of taking part in the opening and closing panels of the Conference. And I was discussant of Mariane Leuzinger-Bohleber’s paper “Investigating symptomatic and structural changes in the LAC Depression Study: Empirical and clinical findings.”
I would like to congratulate all the organizers of this important event for their hard work, the high quality of the presentations and discussions, and for the great attendance to these events.