– November, 22-24, 2018 –
Argentine Psychoanalytic Association, APA
On Saturday 24 I was invited to present the book Contemporary Latin American Psychoanalysis Vol. 1 (edited by APA’s Editorial and Publications Committee, and by FEPAL and FEPAL’s PPL), with Dr. Claudia Borensztejn (APA’s President), el Dr. Abel Fainstein, Dr. Maria Cristina Fulco (FEPAL’s President); moderated by Dr. Fernando Martín Gómez and Lic. Jean Marc Tauszik.
On Saturday I was also invited to the Round Table “The Analytic Setting’s Vicissitudes” with Dr. Ruggero Levy, Dr. Claudia Borensztejn and Dr. María Cristina Fulco; moderated by Dr. Maria Zulema Areu Crespo.