– May 7 2019 –
Virginia Ungar coordinated the presentation that Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber gave at APdeBA, it was entitled “Trauma and Transgenerational Transmission: Contribution of (Clinical) Psychoanalysis to the Refugee Crisis in Germany”. Marianne chairs the IPA Migration and Refugees Sub-committee of IPA in the Community, that focuses in a very current issue: migration and the difficulties that refugees have to face. For the IPA it is very important to study the effects that forced migration produces when arriving to such unfamiliar places, with a language they don’t understand and facing a mourning process of having lost everything they knew.
Marianne showed how the First Reception Institution named “Michaelisdorf” in Darmstadt, Germany was built. Marianne was the director of the Sigmund Freud Institute when the Ministry of Social Affairs of the State of Hessen asked her to conceptualize a Pilot Project to support refugees. The project was successfully carried out during the peak of the refugee crisis and for more than one year. The results of the project served as political model for the establishment of four Psychosocial Centres for refugee care in Hessen.